I'm really running short here so I am extremely frustrated.
the result of my poster |
I think that I could have handled my time better, knowing that I was traveling during the last week of the project, but instead I overshot and thought that everything would take less time (spoiler alert: it did not). So now I am frantically editing posters and my documentary in a hotel room and evaluating my life choices.
My grand moonlight poster idea did not end up working. Lining up the images proved to be much harder than I thought and started to seem like a waste of time, so I came up with the next best solution and I'm running with it. It looks a bit disjointed, but I think that it serves to show the overall message still (they're all couples, just different in their ways, creating the 21rst century couple). I just have to put the text up and the poster is basically done (and create the individual posters as well). The poster is slowly progressing, so that a bit of a relief.
Then comes the website that I haven't even touched. This is worrisome. I want to keep it really simple, maybe write up a short description of the individual couples with the inclusion of their pictures, I don't want to overcrowd viewers with information, I just want it to be direct and to the point.
My doc is no where near done and that is all I'm saying in relation to that subject.
It is time to separate the mice from the Women, and I am a woman.